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New Transfer Pricing Director at PwC
2023-08-31 10:45 [Médiainfó -]

PwC Hungary is proud to announce the appointment of its new director. Gábor Luczó will lead the transfer pricing team in his new position from 1 September.

Gábor Luczó (35) joined PwC Hungary's transfer pricing team in the tax consulting service line in 2011 to assist corporate clients in establishing transparent transfer pricing strategy and practices. From 2018, he worked for one and a half years for the National Tax and Customs Authority, where he was in charge of transfer pricing audit methodology. He rejoined PwC in 2019. As a director, he will be primarily responsible for supporting Hungarian and multinational companies in the financial and energy sectors by providing a wide range of transfer pricing services.

Gábor graduated from the University of Szeged with a degree in economics and is also a qualified tax consultant. Thanks to his extensive professional network, in cooperation with Hungarian and international experts, PwC can further strengthen its position in solving complex transfer pricing challenges for clients.

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