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Source: Budapest Airport Budapest Airport donates more than 35 million HUF for Christmas
2024-12-23 08:06 [Médiainfó -]
In line with its corporate social responsibility programme, this year Budapest Airport has again selected organisations and institutions to be supported with a total of 36.5 million HUF on Christmas.

Budapest Airport New services at Budapest Airport to help people with hidden disabilities and heightened sensitivitie
2024-10-21 16:35 [Médiainfó -]
One in six people in the world live with some kind of disability, but it is not always easy to see for outsiders.

Carlo Messina Marco Delfrate voted best ir professional
2024-09-05 09:29 [Médiainfó -]
Intesa Sanpaolo leads in Europe for relations with investors and analysts and for best esg program.

Photo: Budapest Airport François Berisot is appointed CEO of Budapest Airport
2024-06-26 12:38 [Médiainfó -]
François Berisot is the new CEO of Budapest Airport Zrt., as of 6 June 2024.

b Budapest Airport ended 2023 with a profit of 74 million EUR
2024-05-31 11:09 [Médiainfó -]
Thanks to Budapest Airport's responsible financial management and the company's intensive efforts to recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

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