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Source: Warc Retail's balancing act: A guide to sustainable performance
2023-03-28 11:37 [Médiainfó -]
Balancing short and long-term investments, the use of brand(dot)com and marketplaces, and the intricacies of omnichannel will supercharge brand growth.

Source: Axel Springer Axel Springer Content Now Available on the Bloomberg Terminal
2023-03-21 11:39 [Médiainfó -]
This collaboration extends and deepens the existing, decade-long cooperation between WELT and Bloomberg, as well as Insider and Bloomberg. 

Golden Drum Golden Drum Competition 2023
2023-03-10 13:22 [Médiainfó -]
The awards will be granted at the Golden Drum Awards Show held on 10 October 2023 in Portorož, Slovenia.

Amazon AWS to Launch an Infrastructure Region in Malaysia
2023-03-02 11:58 [Médiainfó -]
AWS plans to invest $6 billion (approx. MYR 25.5 billion) in Malaysia by 2037.

Axel Springer Axel Springer presents future strategy for BILD and WELT
2023-02-28 11:12 [Médiainfó -]
Axel Springer prepares for further growth of its German media offerings and a purely digital future for BILD and WELT by adopting a brand-focused structure.

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